Managing the Stash - Threads and Supplies
It goes without saying that there
are as many ways to organize, manage and store stitching threads as
there are stitchers. That however, doesn't stop questions both to
TalkTemari and to me personally, about "what's the best way?"....
There is no one best way, but here are some suggestions and example that
may help, especially if you are fairly new to managing your stash (and
welcome to "Ye who

dies with
the most threads wins").
There are two main goals in
storing and managing thread supplies - keeping threads organized while
you work, and keeping the rest of your supplies protected and tidy so
that you are well organized and can find what you want when you want it.
Yes, I know... but we do try; it does help and can work. Again, it
all goes to personal quirks - some of us are neat as pins, and others
have the most wonderful mishmash of bunches of skeins all mixed up in a
huge bag that only they know how to wander through, but they do. There
is no one answer, no one right way. And you'll probably wander through
different ideas until you do find one that works best and most
comfortably for you. Here are some suggestions and tips, and after many
years trying almost everything under the sun, the I think the best thing
I can suggest is "keep it simple".
What to do when you open or start
a new skein of pearl cotton? The first thing is don't stock up on DMC
StitchBow inserts - they are made
for floss skeins, not pearl cotton skeins (they are different loop
lengths). The second thing is don't throw away the label with the color
number on it, or you might have a long search in the future trying to
match it. You can keep the skein intact as a skein, or you can
wind it off onto secondary storage bobbins. The photo below, left shows
both options.

Bobbins are widely available and
inexpensive, located usually right along side the pearl cotton and floss
skeins in the store. They are a bit over an inch square, and will fit
neatly into many of the prefab plastic organizer boxes that now are
available in oodles of configurations for long-term storage. The bobbins
come in either plastic or cardboard, plastic being much more durable and
resusable. There is a space to write the name and color number on the
header or footer with slits to keep the thread ends. Holes let you
gather them into organized bundles for either project management or
long-term storage. Binder rings found in office supply stores (they are
also sold as stitching accessories but the office stores are usually
less expensive) work great to hold project sets. Another option are the
oblong rings which are sold as shower curtain rings, or for key
organizing. I put the colors together on a ring for a given project,
which makes it easy to keep things sorted and to "grab and go" as
Bobbins, of course, do mean
winding an open skein onto them (this is how I manage most of my Pearl 5
and 8). Sometimes a floss box will come with a little winder attachment,
but it's difficult to control tension and neatness with them. Better to
just put the skein over your knee and wrap to the bobbin, doesn't take
more than a few minutes. If you can't abide winding off to bobbins,
there are some other options. However, whatever you do,
label the color (and thread name if it's something out of the norm).
You can put the label on the bobbin and wrap over it, and/or write the
info on the bobbin header itself.
The skein can be kept in hank
form. One option that is surprisingly popular, is to open the skein and
cut the full loop of thread once, so that you have a bundle (split hank)

of threads now all the
same length. Slide the label with the color number onto the hank, then
fold the hank in half, and gently twist it and fold it again. The
hank will gently twist on itself. Or, rather than twisting, loop a
half-hitch knot in the middle. The hank can then be hooked on any one of
several ring options (photo, right). You'll be able to gently slide/pull
one thread at a time out of either option to work with as needed. The
downside to cutting the hank is that, while you have working lengths for
stitching, they are not useful if you want to work wrapped band designs
that require longer lengths of working thread. The two lighter gold
colored skeins in the photos above show these two options. Both of these
options can be used while still keeping the hank in full loop, as shown
with the darker copper colored skein. Skeins wound off on bobbins are
also shown.
Rings can be either the standard
binder rings from office supply stores, or key rings/shower curtain
sliders from the hardware store - both of which are less expensive than
the same things being sold in needlework supply sections of thread and
hobby stores. Many stitchers were using these tricks long before thread
companies started packaging and selling them as their notions. The
rings option mean you can organize colors on smaller rings, then hook
those together on larger ones as needed. Smaller rings are handy to
organize projects, as they keep the colors together for a project if you
have more than one going at a time.
Once the question of keeping open
skeins under control is taken care of the next step is general
storage. Again, there are as many options as there are stitchers - and
in the latter years, home/hobby organization has blossomed into a huge
industry. There are scads of plastic storage boxes in all sizes, shapes

Ditto craft organizer bags and totes. There is a standard divided box
that usually appears in thread departments; check the beading sections
for more. Don't forget art supply, office supply and hardware stores,
fishing tackle departments in sporting goods stores, and home
organization selections.
Smaller boxes like these work
great; one or several per type/brand of thread. If you are hanking on
rings, they can be hung in color groups/order or placed flat in boxes.
Other folks use tackle boxes (which come in fantastic setups and
configurations), right on up to office organizer carts. It really
depends on how much storage you have in your home, and what you have to
work with there as well as how much traveling you do and how much stuff
you want to haul. The great thing about temari is they are small
portable projects, so once you have chosen the threads you don't need to
haul your temari life with you everywhere you go.
Once you have things tucked into
their places - be sure to label everything. No matter how much we think

remember or
recognize it later, it just doesn't work. One of the best things
investments that can be made is a hand-held label printer, found in
office supply stores. It can be used to label thread boxes, larger
storage boxes, drawers, etc., and as well as id your books and add
English information to any

For storing larger quantities, larger skeins, threads
on cones or in balls, backup supplies, etc. as well as related supplies,
the simple simple video/photo storage boxes that are available from
hobby/craft stores are wonderful. They are a perfect size to stack and
organize, are large enough to be useful but not too large to be clumsy
and not fit in normal spaces. They are inexpensive, come in a wide
variety of colors and designs if you choose, and have an attached label
Staying organized is not just
about storing threads. We all have our favorite tote or work bag of some
sort, but something that is rarely thought about is a work area,
especially if you are stitching away from home. Granted, most of the
time a lap works just fine, but the small unfinished wooden trays or
boxes in craft and hobby stores, as well as the organizing sections of
home goods stores, are great. I have several trays that I use as project
trays for just about any craft I'm working on, not just temari. They are
inexpensive, take up little room,

travel easily
if needed, and provide a sturdy, flat, stable space next to you or on
your lap as needed. After seeing and hearing about these, many folks
that come to the stitching gatherings now have a small tray or something
similar in their work bags. They do help to keep everything together as
well as not getting mixed up with another person's supplies.
The tray on the bottom in the
photo measures about 11 inches by 7 inches (about the size of a Japanese
temari book).... keeps everything tucked in neatly no matter where one
is working, and easily slips into a work bag or tote.
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