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Intermediate design; one of 8 JTA Shihan  exam designs. Personal composition, contributed by Anne W.
Materials: 26 cm circum mari, wrapped in blue

Pearl Cotton #5 in 6 colors, with 1 color matching the mari wrap.

Marking thread in thin metallic.

Prepare an 8-Combination Division

The pattern is centered on the 6 8-pt poles of the original C8 marking, as shown in diagram to the left. The diagram also shows the overall design and color placement. Points A, B, C, D are 1/3 the distance of pole to corner (6-pt center).
Diagram to the left shows close up view of each of the C8 poles. Add extra marking lines as shown in AW14dotted lines. Points A, B, C, D are the same as indicated above. Sequence #1 is 1-8 as shown to the left. Stitches 2, 4, 6 & 8 are taken using a modified uwagake chidori technique but all stitches are on the same horizontal line (as shown in diagram to the right), working from the first stitch outward with each subsequent alternate row.
Stitches 1, 3, 5, & 7 are chidori kagari. Stitch 1 row of Sequence #1 on each face using the same color.

Again refer to diagram to the left for Sequence #2. Stitches a, b, c, d are chidori kagari. Choose another color different from Sequence #1 and stitch 1 round of Sequence #2 on each face.
Sequence #3 - refer to diagram to the left. Stitches 2, 4, 6, 10, 14 use the same modified uwagake kagari shown in previous step. These stitches alternate with stitches 2, 4, 6, 8 of Sequence #1. Stitches 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 are chidori kagari. Stitch 1 row of Sequence #3 on each face. Use 3 different colors, with the same color on opposite faces.
Sequence #4 - refer to diagram above. Triangles stitched around Pts 4, 8, 12, 16 of Sequence #3. Use pearl cotton in the same color as the thread wrap.

Stitch 5 rounds kousa style, following the established sequence and color placement except for Round 3 of Sequence #2 which matches the color of the triangles in Sequence #4 and the thread wrap.

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