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Temari Pattern GT34 / TemariKai 10-Combination Patterns

Intermediate design; interpreted from Shinshu Temari / Unbelievable Temari from Nagano ISBN4-8377-0597-9. Originally posted in 2004; contributed by Ginny T.
Materials: 23 cm circum mari, wrapped in muted color

Pearl Cotton #5 in two colors

Marking thread in muted color

Prepare a 10-Combination Division

Using color A (here it's the green pearl cotton) stitch an offset pentagon around each center: the point of the stitched pentagon should be in the middle of the side edge of the marked pentagon (where the "short leg" of the marking intersects the side), and overlap the marking thread just into the adjacent pentagon. Stitch one green pentagon in this manner around all 12 centers. The corners of the pentagons will work in toward the centers of the adjacent pentagons.

Using color B (here it's coral), and returning to the same sequence of centers you set up previously (go back to center 1) -stitch a pentagon that has its points half way into the adjacent pentagons around the center you are working. Place the pentagons so that the corners just overlap into each other (as you did the green ones). The corners of the pentagons will work in toward the centers of the adjacent pentagons. Repeat on all centers following the same sequence you used for stitching the smaller green pentagons. Continue stitching in the same sequence on each layer until the design merges.

This is an all-over design, kousa style; you must keep track of stitching rounds and layers.

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