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Temari Pattern GT33 / TemariKai 10-Combination Patterns

Intermediate design; interpreted from Cosmo 2  / Yasashii Temari  ISBN4837702791.  Originally posted in 2001; contributed by Ginny T.
Materials: 25 cm circum mari, wrapped in white

Pearl Cotton #5 in colors of your choice

Marking thread in metallic gold

Prepare a 10-Combination Division

The only place the thread wrap will show is in the center of the flowers so plan accordingly. On each pentagon in the division, locate the points A through E, halfway between the border of the pentagon and the center of the adjacent pentagons. With the main color work hoshi kagari star  from point A to C to E to B to D back to A. Repeat on all 12 pentagons, setting up a stitching order that will be repeated for kousa style. Continue in this manner for approximately five rows - until you work the star points into the center of the pentagons and form the flowers using the "white space" of the centers of the pentagons. Your points will overlap the straight lines of the stars as you work increasng rounds.
After the flowers are formed, fill in the space around the pentagon shapes.  Locate points 1 through 5 as shown in the diagram and stitch around the formed pentagons from the stars outward toward the dividing lines of the mari. Fill in these spaces with as many rows as needed.

You may choose color combinations as you go - stripes will form in the pattern as you change colors. Embellish the sakura centers as desired.

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