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Temari Pattern CP04 / TemariKai 10-Combination Patterns

Intermediate design; interpreted from  Atarashii Temari 5 /  Cosmo #5 ISBN4-8377-0283-X, pg 14.  Originally posted in 2007; contributed by Ginny T.
Materials: 25 cm circum mari, wrapped in green

Pearl Cotton #5 DMC colors 335, 498, 818

Marking thread in gold metallic

Prepare a 10-Combination Division

Additional marking thread is required to complete this design.  Select a pentagon and identify the 4 thread intersections that occur in each side of the pentagon.  Select any 4 thread intersection to begin.  Wrap an additional gold metallic thread around the ball wrapping from 4 thread intersection to 4 thread intersection until you return to the starting point.  Wrap gold thread in the other direction following the 4 thread intersections around the ball.  Repeat this procedure until all the 4 thread intersections around the pentagon have 2 additional of gold threads running through them. 
The design on this Temari is created with woven rectangles.  The centers of the rectangles are the 8 thread intersections formed by the additional marking thread and the 4 thread intersections.  The additional marking threads are the diagonals of the rectangles.   All the stitching on this Temari is done along the diagonals.

These instructions include the weaving pattern I used to create this Temari.  This is not the only weaving pattern that will work.  If you are going to use my pattern you MUST ALWAYS turn the ball counter clockwise and start stitching the top right corner of the rectangle.  If you do not adhere to these rules, the weaving on your Temari may not be correct.

For all rectangles:
Begin stitching .4 mm from the corners and work toward the corners.  Stitch 2 rows of 498, 1 row of 335, and 2 rows of 818 around all rectangles.
Select a pentagon as a starting point.  Stitch 5 rectangles around this pentagon.  Two sides of the second rectangle go under two sides of the first rectangle.  The sides of the third rectangle go under the sides of the second rectangle.  The sides of the forth rectangle go under the sides of the third rectangle.  Two sides of the fifth rectangle go over the first rectangle and two sides go under the forth rectangle. Select a pentagon adjacent to the original pentagon and stitch 4 rectangles around this pentagon.  The sides of the first rectangle will go under, over, under, over the sides of 2 rectangles surrounding the original pentagon.  Two sides of the second rectangle go under two sides of the first rectangle.  The sides of the third rectangle go under the sides of the second rectangle.  The sides of the forth rectangle go over, under, over, under, under, under the sides of the rectangles around it.      
As you start stitching rectangles around the adjacent pentagons the pattern shown at the right will start to form.  If you are weaving correctly the sides of a rectangle will go under the sides of one rectangle and over the sides of the other rectangle.
Turn the Temari counterclockwise around the original pentagon and stitch rectangles around the next 3 adjacent pentagons.  Follow this pattern.  Stitch 3 rectangles around each pentagon.  The sides of the first rectangle will go under, over, under, over the sides of the rectangles around it.  Two sides of the second rectangle go under two sides of the first rectangle.  The sides of the third rectangle go over, under, over, under, under, under the sides of the rectangles around it.   Stitch 2 rectangles around the fifth pentagon adjacent to the original pentagon.  The sides of the first rectangle will go under, over, under, over the sides of the rectangles around it.  The sides of the second rectangle go over, under, over, under, under, under the sides of the rectangles around it.

Select a pentagon adjacent to the pentagons just completed.  Stitch 3 rectangles around this pentagon.  The sides of the first rectangle will go under, over, under, over the sides of the rectangles around it.  Two sides of the second rectangle go under two sides of the first rectangle.  The sides of the third rectangle go over, under, over, under, under, under the sides of the rectangles around it.  Turn the Temari counterclockwise stitch rectangles around the next 3 adjacent pentagons.  Follow this pattern.  Stitch 2 rectangles around each pentagon.  The sides of the first rectangle will go under, over, under, over the sides of the rectangles around it.  The sides of the second rectangle go over, under, over, under, under, under the sides of the rectangles around it.  One more turn should bring you to the final rectangle. The pattern for this rectangle is over, under, over, under, over, under, over, under the sides of the rectangles around it.
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